Thursday, June 11, 2009

Liven Coffee

Millions of people around the world love nothing more than to start their day with a steaming cup of coffee. The smell, the taste and the shared experience of coffee have become a staple of our modern life.

Millions of people are also looking for means to improve their health. They are into supplements, exercise regularly and eat the right foods.

With these two upcoming trend is the birth of Liven Coffee! Answering the need for ultimate hot beverage experience and the option to be healthy at the same time.

Liven Coffee is the world’s first Coffee-Ceuticals!

Liven Coffee keeps you healthy while enjoying every sip of this new found taste!
Liven Coffee is made of finest species of Coffee Arabica added with the World’s First Mega-Nutritionals Alive!

Alive Mega-Nutritionals is the most nutritionally densed food concentrate. It contains 16,000 phytonutrients and acts as a very powerful anti-oxidant and anti-aging. It is the first Mega-Nutritionals whose ingredients work in synergy to produce maximum result in the body.

Alive Mega-Nutritionals Components

Liven Health Benefits
- Lowers Cholesterol Level
- Protects Against Heart Diseases and Complications
- Helps Prevent Cancer of Any Origin
- Controls High-Blood Pressure
- Prevents Degenerative Diseases such as Arthritis and Rheumatism
- Reduces the risk of developing Type II Diabetes
- Prevents Parkinson’s Disease
- Enhances, Nourishes, Strengthens and Balances the Immune System
- Promotes Healthy Blood Circulation and Cell Regeneration
- Enhances Sexual Vitality
- Rejuvenates the Skin
- Improves Performance and Endurance During Exercise
- Enhances Concentration
- Reduces Fatigue
- Heightens Alertness
- Increases Sperm Motility
- Relieves Headaches
- Offset Damage of Smoking and Heavy Alcohol Intakes
- Detoxifies the Body

Replace your regular coffee with Liven Coffee-Ceuticals and enjoy the goodness of Coffee Arabica and the health benefits of Alive Mega-Nutritionals!

Suggested Retail Price: P320 per box (20 Sachet per Box)

Member or Distributor Price: P280 per box (20 Sachet per Box)
Less 25% discount.

This is an opportunity of a lifetime! Be our authorized Distributor and enjoy great savings and privileges!

We are giving away free scholarship that has no expiration and transferable to all new registered distributors!

For inquiries, you may call or SMS

+639225974545 or +639219902322

My Choco

My Choco is a breakthrough chocolate drink for kids, teens and adults. It's yummy chocolatey taste plus all the benefits of Alive Whole Food Energizer & DHA makes this product a breakthrough in the market. It's very nice and delicious. Drink it hot or cold. The good thing is, this is a choco-ceutical products! Be healthy while enjoying the rich chocolatey taste of My Choco!

Suggested Retail Price: P400.00 per box (20 sachets per box)

Distributor Price: P300.00 per box (20 sachets per box)
Less 25% discount

This is an opportunity of a lifetime! Be our authorized Distributor and enjoy great savings and privileges!

We are giving away free scholarship that has no expiration and transferable to all new registered distributors!

For inquiries, you may call or SMS
+639225974545 or +639219902322

Alive! Whole Food Energizer

Alive! is a Mega Nutrient Whole Food Energizer containing more life-giving nutrients from more sources than any other supplement. Contains: Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, EFA’s, Fruits, Vegetables, Green Foods, Myco Nutrients, Antioxidants and other specialty nutrients.
Feel your best every day with Alive Whole Food Energizer! This advanced muti-nutrient formula combines a complete supply of essential vitamins and minerals with a full spectrum of amino acids, a super ”green food” blend, NutriJuice fruit and vegetable blends, MycoDefense mushroom blend, natural omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, active enzymes, and a powerful citrus bioflavonoid complex for comprehensive, everyday nutritional support.
Alive!® supplements are the ultimate Whole Food Energizers™– with more invigorating nutrients from more natural sources than any other product.

* Breakthrough Product

* More than 16,000 Phytonutrients or Anti-Oxidants
These are anti-cancer, anti-cholesterol, anti-diabetes, anti-stress, anti-arthritis, anti-rheumatism, anti-inflammatory, anti-heart attack, anti-aging, it is the first line of defense against diseases. Antioxidants play an important role in fighting free radicals. Free radicals are produced naturally by the body, as a result of several functions. However, the extra energy can be damaging to human cell. Antioxidants are responsible for reducing, interrupting, or stopping free radicals. There are many forms of antioxidants, some are produced naturally in the body however, some can be found in herbs, plants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

* 29 Vitamins, Minerals & Trace Minerals

This supplement are essential to help our body fights illnesses and diseases and helps our body strong. If you lack one of this vitamins or minerals, you might get weak and sick and it can do damage in the future. Vitamins are compounds the body needs for proper function and growth. They are either fat soluble (Vitamins A, D, E and K) or water soluble (Vitamins B and C). The B vitamins are a family of nutrients that include b1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin), biotin, folic acid (folate), niacin and pantothenic acid. The amount of each vitamin an average person needs each day is called the recommended daily allowance (RDA)

* 12 Whole Fruits Juice BlendTaken from 12 different fruits.

This fruit blend is prepared using aunique flash-glancing method to preserve over 3,000 Phytonutrients. Itcontains naturally occurring fruit nutrients which help protect our bodyfrom cancer, heart diseases, diabetes and hypertension. This fruitblend of fruits helps an individual meet the recommended dailyservings of fruits.

* 12 Whole Vegetables Juice Blend

This concentrated blend contains 3,000 Phytonutrients taken from 12vegetables. The broad spectrum of nutrients in this mixture is essentialto health, vitality and energy. Study shows that anyone who doesn’tconsume 5 to 10 servings of vegetable per day is missing out onnature’s ultimate insurance policy. By taking Alive Mega-Nutritionaleveryday, you’ll never have to go without your 10 servings of veggies.

* 18 Amino Acids
Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein. Amino Acids has many health benefits. It assist the body in growth, repair and maintenance of tissues. It also help with muscle endurance, strength and energy. Amino acids provide a variety of services to the body. People should maintain a healthy diet in order to ensure that their body is getting enough amino acids to improve and maintain a healthy body.

* 14 Green Foods / Spirulina Blends

Green Foods provide the body as a source of chlorophyll. There are many health benefits to including green food supplements in your diet. This combination of beneficial ingredients advocate for the healthiest body possible. Studies suggest that spirulina increases antibodies, cytokines ( infection fighting proteins), and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illness such as cancer.

* 12 Organic Mushrooms

The ultimate blend of 12 healing mushrooms that containsPolysaccharides that helps in building immunity. It lowerscholesterol, reduces the risk of dangerous blood clot, preventsheart disease, and relieves bronchitis and sinusitis, and fightcancer cells. Alive Mega-Nutritional vegetable capsule improvesthe body’s ability to absorb mushroom nutrients at lease 3xbetter than other brand in enhancing activity of the immunesystem.

* 12 Digestive Enzymes
It helps in the proper digestion that breaks down food into nutrients that the body can easily digest and absorb. Enzymes are found throughout the body, in the tissues and in the fluids of every living being. Their activity is responsible for every life process. They create chemical reactions that influence the other actions of the body. Enzymes can be found inside of cells but can be released outside to aid certain processes such as digestion. Enzymes allow the body’s immune, endoctrine, hormonal, nervous and other systems to do their work. Enzymes each have a specific role in the body - they do not do perform ambiguous or common tasks. Enzymes perform important actions in the body - helping to maintain healthand proper functioning. Make sure that your body has enough of these important enzymes to provide you with a healthy body.

* 12 Especialty Nutrients
Memory enhancers, over-all wellness & growth factor like chlorella. These are inositol, lutein, boron, chloropyll, rutin, choline, and many more.

* 10 Essential Fatty Acids

There is such a thing as ‘good fat,’ otherwise known as polyunsaturated fats or even EFAs. Essential fatty acids (EFAs), which cannot be produced by the body must be received through the diet, are important to the tissues, organs and cells. Essential fatty acids are essential for good health. There are two essential fatty acids that are considered necessary: Linoleic Acid (LA) and Alpha Linoleic Acid (ALA). These two essential fatty acids are found in the diet and help the body produce other fatty acids. Furthermore, EFAs can be broken down into categories: omega-3 and omega-6 depending on their chemical composition and use. Both categories are essential for the maintenance of good health. The EFA supplements provide various sources of essential fatty acids that promote well being.

* 5 Citrus Bioflavanoid Complex

Bioflavonoid are found in the pigments of fruits. They are water-soluble and can be broken down into many categories and subcategories. Bioflavonoid are considered to compliment the actions of Vitamin C. Bioflavonoid support cardio vascular function, the liver, the immune system, vision and the brain. One form of Bioflavonoid is Quercetin, classified as a flavonol. Quercetin protects and maintains blood vessels, support circulation, helps cholesterol levels, and much more. There are many advantages to making sure that your diet and body are complete with enough bioflavonoid.
This citrus complex contains the purest and highest potency source of citrus bioflavonoid available. This blend provides powerful antioxidants protection, maintain resistance of capillary walls to sudden change in pressure and also maintain white blood cell function.

* Complete disintegration within 18 minutes

* Utilizes Nano Technology
Alive! Whole Food Energizer utilizes nano technology that really penetrates to the cellular level of the body once totally disintegrated.

* 100% Excipient Free
No Starch, No Gum Arabic, No Binders. All natural vegetable capsule.


Lot No. : 5313177

As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”.

Get rid of these sickness and diseases! Take ALIVE Whole Food Energizer everyday and be ALIVE!

Be Alive with Alive!

Suggested Retail Price: P1,125.00 per blister box (30 Vegetable Capsules per blister)

*excluding shipment

Member or Distributor Price: P844.00 per blister box (30 Vegetable Capsules per blister)
Less 25%

This is an opportunity of a lifetime! Be our authorized Distributor and enjoy great savings and privileges! We are giving away free scholarship that has no expiration and transferable to all new registered distributors!

For inquiries, you may call or SMS

+639225974545 or +639219902322

10 Key Benefits of MLM

There is an important lesson to be learned from traditional business that can be applied to Network Marketing.
I’d like to discuss 10 key benefits why MLM programs are great businesses. Use these benefits to promote your MLM Program and to recruit anyone in your organization.

1. Small amount of risk:
There is a certain amount of inherited risk involved when you become an entrepreneur.

We are confronted with losing money, wasting time, not being in profit right away, etc. In a traditional brick and mortal business, the startup cost associated with opening that business is what holds many people back from becoming the creators of their own destiny.

People do not like risk and try to avoid it by all means. We’d like a “guaranteed bet” and stay within “our safe zone”. In business, you don’t eliminate risks you learn to minimize them.

The advantage of starting an MLM Program is that there is a small risk to get started. With a couple of hundred dollars, it is possible to get started with a company of your choice, marketing products that you consume already. The amount of financial commitment is insignificant compared to that of traditional business.

2. A huge demand for good quality products:
There are a myriad of network marketing companies that promote very good products. If I were considering a company to get involved with, I would always ask myself:

* Would I still consume these products/services if there were no opportunity to market them?

* Do these products bring any benefits to a consumer besides the opportunity to make money?

* Would I bring “value” to my customers if they consume these products?
Every business needs repeat customers. Distributors only get paid when they have consumers for their products and when these customers continue that consumption, then that creates the money flow.

3. Residual income:
I am sure that you pay your gas, your electricity, and your phone bill every single month. These are the types of services that for the most part provide an ongoing stream of residual income for these companies.

The greatest advantage of an MLM Program is that it gives you an opportunity to enjoy residual income just like those companies do.

When the initial effort of getting a new customer is completed, you can enjoy the residual part of that business relationship.

We are so used to trading our time for wedges that we often times don’t see the potential residual income of an MLM Affiliate Program. By direct selling your products, you can also claim your share of the residual income pie.

4. The income potential:
There is no cap on how much money you can generate. In my corporate jobs, my big limitation was that regardless how hard I worked for these companies; my income was tied to a “market standard” for someone with my skills.

In an MLM Program, that’s not the case. It is up to you to decide how much you want to earn. An MLM company doesn’t hold you back in the same way the corporate environment does.

As long as you have the skills set of a trained network marketer, you make whatever income based on your stamina, dedication, and your willingness to help others.

The skills set is key. Once you trained yourself to become a marketer, you can market anything you choose and generate that income you seek.

5. No employees to hire:
By far, this is a clear advantage over traditional businesses. An mlm affiliate program is a business of people independently working together.

Without any employees, it’s possible to build a business right from home. This industry gives you that added benefit, be in business without employees concerns, by having a network of independent business owners working together towards a common goal.

6. No inventory:
Traditionally Network Marketing companies would have distributors stack up on inventory. This concept alone has given the industry a bad wrap for years.

However, modern companies do capitalize on the technology and tools we have in place. We have:

· Internet Telephony
· The Internet
· Drop Shipping Ability
· Consumer Leads
· Conference Lines
· Web Conference
· High Speed Internet Access

Not having to inventory products will make your business more agile to any market condition.

7. Low operating Costs:
The network marketing model makes possible to run a business at low costs compared to any other business model.

This is where your upline’s support should come in. A good upline mentor should allow you to piggyback on his expertise, on his knowledge, on his leads, and help you generate the funds to pay off your initial investment and get in profit early in the life of your business.

8. Leverage:
Your MLM Program is a:
· people business
· business of appointments
· business of helping consumers find what they have the need for
· business of helping others create businesses.

You reap the rewards by leveraging the efforts of those you help. This develops a collective mindset that promotes “win-win” relationships.

9. Portability:
With the advent of technology, we can do today what distributors 15 years ago could not do and that’s to make our business portable.

We now have a phone technology that allows you to take your telephone and move it anywhere you like transparently to your customers.

As long as you have access to the Internet via DSL or Cable, you can take your computer, your phone, and continue doing business while you are on the road, on vacation, or visiting relatives whether that be in another city or another country!

10. The attainable freedom:
Imagine having a productive business in network marketing providing you with a lifestyle that only the rich and famous enjoy. When all the pieces are in place, the life of a marketer can be very fulfilling indeed.

That’s the dream every new distributor chases and it is only attainable when there is a clear understanding of how to get there and when your marketing skills are sharp.

It is not just the money, but the fulfillment of a lifestyle that makes an MLM Affiliate Program the best business to get in and your skills is what make it happen, period!